New technology is awesome and can help us in ways we never think of. Recently, one of our savvy mom's snapped a quick picture with her cell phone of her son's mouth injury. The injury involved one of his permanent teeth and occurred after regular business hours on a Sunday afternoon. Mom called our office and was prompted on how to reach me for after hour emergencies. Due to the quick thinking of this mom, she was able to "text" the picture to my cell phone, I then was able to assess the injury, set the mom's mind at ease, and make a decision as to whether it was necessary for them to be seen in the office immediately. This Family lived a great distance from the office, so this was a great tool for us to make a decision. Parents, please check out our web site where you will find detailed information regarding: What to do for "Knocked Out" Permenant Teeth, Fractured Teeth, Lip and Gum Lacerations as well as answers to many Frequently Asked Questions. Please also note that you may call our office anytime twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and myself or another Pedodontist will be on call for such emeregencies. It is not uncommon for us to meet patients in our office for emergencies during the evening hours or on weekends.
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