We see many injuries during this time of the year that are related to contact sports, especially in those sports that do not require the players to wear mouth guards, such as baseball and basketball. It is estimated by dentists that up to 40% of dental injuries occur while playing sports. Wearing a mouth guard is the best way to prevent many of these injuries and a trip to the dentist or emergency room. Boil and Fit mouth guards are available at sporting goods stores and many new styles are available that are a much better fit than previously. Another option is to have a custom sports mouth guard made in our office. I recently spoke to our local Little League Board of Directors who agreed with my concerns of our youth's safety. Their suggestion to me was to bring the topic up with the National Board of the Little League Association. This is a topic that I am very passionate about. I am committed to spreading the word about the use of mouth guards in contact sports other than football and hockey. A mouth guard can go for miles in keeping your child's smile!